Rumondang Rumondang, Juliwati Putri Batubara, Heru Gunawan, Umaiyu Siregar, Syafrida Br. Tambunan, Nurhadi Nurhadi


Fishermen's perceptions have a strong correlation with the success of reef fish management. The aim of this research is to analyze the social characteristics of bottom fish fishermen, analyze the level of knowledge and perceptions of fishermen regarding the management of bottom fish and analyze the relationship between the level of knowledge and the perception of bottom fish fishermen regarding the existence and management of bottom fish. The method used is the purposive sampling method by determining the research location which is divided into 3 sampling points. The level of knowledge of respondents at the research location regarding the existence and management of reef fish resources consisted of low level of knowledge (4%), medium level of knowledge (80%) and high level of knowledge (16%). Respondents' perceptions at the research location regarding the existence and management of reef fish resources consisted of low perception (2%), medium perception (86.66%) and high perception (11.33%). From the Spearman correlation test, information was obtained on the Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.220 and p-value = 0.007. The p-value = 0.007 < 0.05 indicates that there is a significant influence between knowledge and fishermen's perceptions in managing reef fish. Spearmen's correlation of 0.220 is in the range 0.00-0.25, which means the correlation between the two variables is a "very weak" correlation.


Keywords : correlation, overfishing, sustainable fisheries, coastal, significance

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