Breast milk that comes out for the first time contains colostrum which is highly nutritious and
has antibodies that can protect newborns from disease. Colostrum is removed on the first day
after delivery. Colostrum is the first liquid of breast milk produced during pregnancy. Mothers
who are worried that colostrum will not be enough for their babies because the amount is only
about 3-5 teaspoons, so they need to add formula milk. In fact, although the amount of colostrum
is relatively small, it is very sufficient for the baby's stomach. If the baby does not suck on the
nipple in half an hour after childbirth, the hormones prolactin and oxytocin will decrease and it
is difficult to stimulate these hormones so that milk will only come out on the third day or so.
Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to increase the hormone again. Efforts to stimulate the
hormones prolactin and oxytocin in mothers after childbirth apart from expressing breast milk,
can also be done by doing breast massage. breast massage is a massage on the breast in a circle
with a massage duration of 2-3 minutes. The research objective was to analyze the effectiveness
of breast massage on colostrum expenditure in postpartum mothers in the Medan City clinic.
The research design used pre-experimental design with pretest-posttest control group design.
The population in this study were all post-partum mothers at 3 clinics in Medan City, namely:
Dina Clinic is located at Jalan Karya Dalam Kec. Medan Helvetia, RB Hanum having its
address at Jalan Kl. Yos Sudarso no. 47 Kec. Medan Deli and Rosdiana Clinic are located at
Jalan Panitera Kec. Medan Deli totaled 24 people. The sample in this study was drawn using
purposive sampling technique. The independent variable is breast massage intervention.
Dependent is the colostrum expenditure observed for 3 days by means of a pretest carried out
before the intervention and posttest carried out after the intervention 3 times. The data that has
been collected is processed by computer. Then analyze the data, namely: Univariate analysis to
describe single variables breast massage and colostrum expenditure. Bivariate analysis to
determine the analysis of the effectiveness of breast massage on colostrum expenditure using the
paired t test if the data were normally distributed and the Wilcoxon test if the data were not
normally distributed with a significance level of 95% (0.05). The results showed that breast
massage had a z value of 2.938 and the control group had a z value of 0.333. It can be concluded
that the breast massage procedure is more effective than the control for colostrum distribution
for postpartum mothers at the Medan City Clinic.
Keywords: Colostrum Expenditure, Breast Massage
Full Text:
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