Fynnisa Zebua, Rumondang Rumondang




Research on the effect of adding rind kakao on the physical properties of porous ceramics is motivated by the increasing number of cocoa pods in Indonesia and has not been fully utilized by farmers and the surrounding community. Therefore, this study aims to overcome environmental problems as well as increase the economic value of Rind Kakao waste into porous ceramics. The first method used was to reduce the particle size of clay and Rind Kakao to 200 mesh with a sieve. Then the two ingredients are mixed and the results of the mixing are printed. The results of the printing are activated at a temperature of 6000C. The results of the activation are then ready to be tested for physical properties such as porosity and SEM. The porosity and SEM test results showed that porous ceramics with a variation of 70 clay + 30 Rind Kakao had the best porosity percentage of 55.60% and had the smallest pore size of 3.37 µm. This is due to the presence of pore marks left by the Rind Kakao which has turned ash due to the activation of the porous ceramic at 6000C.

Keywords: Porous Ceramics, Rind Kakao, Clay

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