Ijah Mulyani Sihotang, Fauziah Husna




This article aims to describe the use of learning media using online. This article is motivated by difficulties for teachers in teaching online learning due to the pandemic due to Covid 19. Forced learning must adapt to online, which was previously done face-to-face in class. Students must learn from home by using internet access which causes various problems due to the lack of an adaptation process that is too sudden, not in accordance with existing plans, so there must be a way out to make it easier for teachers to understand online processes to be as effective as face-to-face learning. The approach taken in this article is a descriptive approach by collecting several journal references related to the problem of the article. As a result, online usage can actually be made identical to face-to-face, by means of effective online use through the Zoom application.


Key words: Learning Media, Online, COVID-19

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