Januardi Rosyidi Lubis, Deka Maita Sandi, Risaharti Risaharti



This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological approach is to summarize the inventory of traditional fabrics in the North Sumatra Region or what is called ulos in the Batak Toba entik, uis in Batak Karo, smear in Batak Pakpak, hiou in Batak Malungun, ulos in Batak Mandailing, ulos / abit godang / abit Batak in Batak Angkola. This study aims to determine the inventory or assets of ulos owned by 6 (six) regions respectively and then the ulos cloth is digitized in the form of image format (jpeg). Then visualized in a phenomenological approach to find out the motives, patterns and types and of each of these ulos according to their functions and uses in family, community and government life. The pattern or motif on the ulos cloth does not only appear as decoration on the cloth but also has a visual stylization of biodiversity and animals associated with its function. The colors that are owned by ulos, hious, rubbing, and uis are a description of the representatives of the user or wearer, both status in the family environment, status in society or customary events and official government events. The various types of ulos cloth have different uses and functions in each region according to their designation. The functions and uses of this ulos can be interpreted in various forms according to the type of each ulos. Its use and function can be symbolized as prayer, hope, joy and joy, grief (death / mourning), respect, status in society, as well as caste (level in society) and is used as a symbol of grief (death). The existence of this ulos cloth until time immemorial until now still has an important role for the Batak Native Tribe in North Sumatra Province, when compared to nowadays modernization has been eroded and eroded and is starting to experience extinction and it deserves to be preserved its existence and reminds and re-promotes its use and its function is especially in the current generation of millennial generation youth.


Keywords: Variety, Type of Ulos, Digital Visual, Millennial Era

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