Tris Sudarto, Moch. Asmawi, Mahmuddin Yasin


This study aims to evaluate the implementation of training program for warehouse manager candidates withinthe warehouse receipt system scheme conducted by the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Coftra) in Indonesia. This research is an evaluative research using the CIPP model of Stufflebeam (Context, Input, Process, Product), supported by questionnaires (closed and open statements / questions), observation, and interviews. Evaluation on context, input, and process, the results show that the program is in a good category for these three componets, with some elements needing improvement. While for product evaluation the results for this component are in a very good category, so it needs to be maintained. In terms of outcomes which are part of the product component, the results of the training provide a good impact of implementing warehouse management system, with warehouse operational license. In addition, to optimize outcomes, it is necessary to increase synergies among regional and central government levels, as well as empowering and involving stakeholders to jointly support and implement the warehouse receipt system.

Keywords: CIPP model,evaluation program,training, warehouse receipt system

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