Sahliah Sahliah


This research deal with Digital Learning Material in Teaching Islamic Studies. In teaching learning process, the lecturer used copied and printed teaching material. The materials  made the students unmotivated to learn law subject especially in syari’a faculty. To answer this problem, it is needed to develop learning materials based on Computer Aided Instruction. This research deals with digital learning materials in teaching Islamic Studies for law students. The material was used in teaching learning process in the law class. The objective of this research is to know how digital learning material designed for law students. This research used Research and Development methodology (R&D). The location of this research was in UIN North Sumatera at Syari’a and law faculty. The result of this research was application of digital learning materials in teaching learning Islamic Studies. The digital learning materials for law students was designed by using SOM. It is expected utilize the advantages of digital learning material to develop practicable teaching strategies for the teaching effectiveness especially in teaching Human Right in Islamic Perspective for law students.


Keywords: Digital Learning Material, Islamic Studies

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