Deddy Wahyudin Purba, Safruddin Safruddin, Lokot Ridwan BB, Azizah Mahary, Juliawati P Batubara, Azwar Anas, Ikhsan Kurniawan


The community service program is carried out in Pinanggripan village, Air Batu District, Asahan Regency with the target of mothers of the PKK crusting team and elementary and high school children, this activity aims to provide an understanding of the community and school teenagers in utilizing yard land in cultivating plants hydroponically, can increase household income and family nutrition and beautify the environment so that it remains beautiful and beautiful. Methods implemented in achieving goals include: 1) Counseling in increasing knowledge about hydroponics by explaining and providing motivation to participants about hydroponic plant cultivation techniques. 2) Implementing horticultural crop cultivation techniques by introducing to the public the materials and tools used in cultivation techniques. Cultivation techniques taught from seedbeds, planting to post-harvest. 3) Providing tools and materials for hydroponic vegetable cultivation to participants, ranging from seeds, rockwool, net pott and other needs needed and utilized hydroponic cultivation processes so that the knowledge provided can be utilized. 4) assistance by the team during planting, providing nutrients to harvest. This is done so that participants can feel that the benefits of the training carried out are not just training, but there are results that are expected in the long term, whenever the community needs information and energy, the team is ready to help until the target is achieved


Keywords : Hydroponics, Mentoring, Community Empowerment

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