Yulianita Pratiwi Indah Lestari, Nadia Inayati, Nadya Rahmah, Noor Lathifah


Product safety, both food and non-food, is a very important aspect of everyday life. Lack of attention to this has often resulted in impacts in the form of a decline in consumer health, ranging from food poisoning due to unhygienic storage and presentation processes to the risk of cancer due to the use of dangerous food additives. The negative impact that is felt if the safety of the product is not considered and consumed can cause various diseases such as diarrhea, headache, fever. In unsafe products there can be biological or microbiological hazards consisting of parasites (protozoa and worms), viruses, and pathogenic bacteria that can grow and develop in food ingredients, so that they can cause infection and poisoning in humans. Based on this, it is necessary to carry out activities to provide information to the public regarding checking the safety of a product. The purpose of this community service activity is to make the community more aware of the safety of  products that are used in everyday life. Service activities are carried out by direct counseling methods (offline). The counseling went very well, as evidenced by the value of the post-test results which increased compared to the pre-test..


Keywords: safety, food, non-food, community service, BPOM

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