Suriani Suriani, Syahrunsyah Syahrunsyah, Irma Sari


Based on research by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in 2017, the number of drug abuse in Indonesia reached more than 3 million people in the 10 to 59 year age group. Students and university students account for 27 percent of drug users in Indonesia. According to BNN data, 37 to 40 people in Indonesia die every day due to the consumption of narcotics. Drug users consist of 74.5 percent male and 25.5 percent female. Information obtained through mass media, electronic media, and print media has often been met with reports about narcotics. As a developing country in the Asian region, the illicit trafficking of narcotics has spread so quickly in Indonesia. Narcotics currently have affected and damaged the joints of life in the social environment of society in Indonesia. Victims of narcotics abuse do not see their social status because narcotics do not choose who their potential victim is. Asahan as one of the districts in North Sumatra in Indonesia is also not spared from the circulation of narcotics. As many as 92 people in 52 cases of narcotics were arrested by the Satre Narcotics Officer of the Asahan Police in the January-Fabriari 2020 period. This shows that the circulation of narcotics is very worrying because it can damage the development of children as the nation's next generation. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out legal counseling in the community regarding the role of parents, especially in Hessa Air Genting Village in order to prevent narcotics abuse in children.


Keywords: Role of Parents, Narcotics, Children.

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Undang-Undang No. 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika


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