Aplikasi Simulasi Algoritma Penjadwalan Sistem Operasi

Raissa Amanda Putri


Abstract - In the operating system course, various scheduling algorithms with complex calculations are studied. The scheduling algorithms that are often used are FIFO (First-in, first out) or FCFS (first come, first serve), SJF (Shortest Job First), RR (Round robin) and SRF (Shortest remaining first). Unfortunately, the scheduling algorithm learning method often only uses the Gantt Chart as a tool for its calculations. For this reason, the researcher intends to design and build a desktop-based operating system scheduling algorithm simulation application as a learning medium for operating system courses. The application built can simulate four types of queues, namely FIFO (First-in, first out) or FCFS (first come, first serve), SJF (Shortest Job First), RR (Round robin) and SRF (Shortest remaining first). This application performs a simulation by calculating the start time, completion time, response time and waiting time for each process. In addition, the system also produces the results of the average response time and average waiting time, as well as a gantt chart of the entire process.

Keywords  -   Application, Simulation, Operating System, Scheduling Algorithm.


Abstrak - Dalam mata kuliah sistem operasi, berbagai algoritma penjadwalan dengan perhitungan yang kompleks dipelajari. Algoritma penjadwalan yang sering digunakan adalah FIFO (First-in, first out) atau FCFS (first come, first serve), SJF (Shortest Job First), RR (Round robin) dan SRF (Shortest Remaining First). Sayangnya, metode pembelajaran algoritma penjadwalan seringkali hanya menggunakan Gantt Chart sebagai alat bantu perhitungannya. Untuk itu peneliti merancang dan membangun aplikasi simulasi algoritma penjadwalan sistem operasi berbasis desktop sebagai media pembelajaran mata kuliah sistem operasi. Aplikasi yang dibangun dapat mensimulasikan empat jenis antrian yaitu FIFO (First-in, first out) atau FCFS (first come, first serve), SJF (Shortest Job First), RR (Round robin) dan SRF (Shortest remaining first). Aplikasi ini melakukan simulasi dengan menghitung saat mulai, saat rampung, lama tanggap dan lama tunggu masing-masing proses. Selain itu, sistem juga mengeluarkan hasil rata-rata lama tanggap dan rata-rata waktu tunggu, serta gantt chart dari keseluruhan proses.

Kata Kunci - Aplikasi, Simulasi, Sistem Operasi, Algoritma Penjadwalan.


Application, Simulation, Operating System, Scheduling Algorithm

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36294/jurti.v5i1.2215


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