Sosialisasi Menghadapi Berita Palsu Dan Kampanye Hitam Kepada Masyarakat Sawahan Kota Surabaya (Studi Komunikasi Politik Michel Focault)

Lukman Hakim


Community service entitled "The Socialization of Facing Fake News and Black Campaigns to the Sawahan City of Surabaya (Michel Focault Political Communication Study)" is motivated by people who are easy to use it, consume news, and become victims of black campaigns. The ease of obtaining information makes the public demanded to think fast. The challenge is middle class society that is easily accessed by fake news (hoax). The concept of political communication initiated by Michel Focault which assumes that communication helps humans in filtering the truth. At present, the Indonesian people are confronted by political communication through digital media, one of which is through smartphone media. The research objective is that people who can understand the concept of political communication according to Focault and the community can enrich their knowledge in reading all matters related to political communication. The research method used is the method of socialization and direct practice in the field which was published (1) disseminating complaints to the Sawahan community in Surabaya (2) assistance in reading information and news. The result of this activity is the knowledge of the community in reading information.

Keywords: communication, politics, information, and campaign

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