Membangun Karakter Dan Potensi Diri Melalui Cerdas Cermat

Eva Margaretha Saragih, Dian Anggraini Harahap, Datulina Ginting


Primary School 014662 is a school located in Perk Village. Gunung Melayu, Kec. Rahuning, Kab. Asahan, Prov. North Sumatra. This dedication is done so that students can practice understanding and understanding the importance of language and counting through Quiz Competition. In addition, teachers at this school have not created the program to observe the extent of students' understanding, especially for Mathematics, English, and Integrated Thematic Indonesian subjects in the current 2013 curriculum.

          The form of this research is Classroom Action Research with descriptive method. Research subjects were 45 students. Based on observations after the data analysis, planning activities to improve language and numeracy skills, by making the process of choosing the appropriate questions to be used as material to explore the potential and talents of students in these 3 subject areas, choosing game materials, determining the learning approach and being assessed student learning outcomes. Exploring the potential and motivating students who do have a lack of interest in the three subjects becomes interested because basically the teacher is in charge of exploring the hidden potential in a student.


Keywords: Speak, Count, and Quiz Competition

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