Penyuluhan Kesehatan Jiwa Anak Remaja Dengan Masalah Napza

Indirawaty Indirawaty, Ramlah Dillah, Kurnia Rahma Syarif


Narcotics in Indonesia are increasingly widespread and increasingly cannot be prevented, bearing in mind that anyone can easily obtain narcotics from irresponsible persons, which needs to be improved, supported by all parties in Narotika awareness. The Narcotics Act emphasizes the role of the community to actively participate in solving narcotics crimes. In this case including the role of the community in elementary, junior high, high school and campus areas. as an intellectual group, one of them is by conducting legal counseling activities related to narcotics. Students are expected to more easily transfer the knowledge to be received and transfer their knowledge to an environment where they have to do activities related to improving narcotics. The discussion method used is a discussion of partners who discuss narcotics prevention and participatory participation that are required by active participants to participate during the activity. The competencies to be compiled are marked by indicators of increasing participant's knowledge about the rejection of narcotics purchases and changing attitudes in agreements against narcotics talks. The location of the discussion activity agreed has proven to increase knowledge and understanding of the contents of the Narcotics Act specifically improving narcotics talks and changing attitudes to agree in efforts to improve narcotics.

Keywords: Counseling, Prevention, Narcotics Broadcasting, Students

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