Rina Hayati Maulidiah, Eva Mizkat


The purpose of writing this research report is to determine in detail the activation of the use of google classroom in literature learning for 6th semester students of the Indonesian language and literature education study program, FKIP UNA. One of the learning strategies that many teachers and lecturers do in the face of the learning system has changed drastically due to the covid-19 outbreak that is currently hitting Indonesia and the world. By utilizing an online application, namely Google Classroom, it is because the entire community is home to both students and workers without exception. Hashtag di Rumah Aja is a new jargon that must be obeyed by all people in Indonesia for an undetermined time, as well as the learning system that has been announced by the minister of education, face-to-face learning is not allowed, all use an online system in all subjects at school to college level. All subjects are conducted online, including literature learning. Literature learning requires every student to be able to appreciate his talents and creativity in literature. Literature learning should not stop even though we are far apart from the activation of Google Classroom if it can hone students' literary skills. In learning literature this time we will focus on the poetry appreciation course. It is hoped that google Classroom activation can increase students' creativity in poetry, especially students who are expected to be able to produce creative poetry.


Keywords: Activation, Google Classroom, Literature Learning

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