Janner Pelanjani Simamora, Linda Hernike Napitupulu




The major virus is a disease that is often experienced by humans, this disease is a disease caused by mosquito bites. Sometimes not everyone knows the virus caused by mosquitoes, this disease generally attacks children due to imperfect immunity. To be able to find out a virus that is infected by a mosquito, a diagnosis can be made by looking at the symptoms that are felt. The diagnostic process is the first step to knowing a type of disease. In this case, many people experience problems because of the lack of knowledge of various diseases caused by mosquitoes, especially the major virus. So that it is necessary to detect someone who has the disease to immediately handle the disease, so that it does not cause and have fatal consequences later. Expert systems can be a solution to these problems and provide knowledge designed to model problem-solving skills like an expert. Expert systems are built so that they can help the tasks of experts by utilizing the help of systems that have knowledge, without an expert working in that place. Expert systems have several methods that can be implemented in expert systems, and one of them is the certainty factor method. The certainty factor method is a method used to prove the uncertainty of a fact based on metrics and symptoms that occur


Keywords: Expert System, Diagnosis, Virus, Mayora, Certainty Factor

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