Medicines are compounds that are used to prevent, treat, diagnose diseases/disorders, or cause certain conditions and components that do not replace medical care. Medicines are consists of herbal medicines and chemical medicines. The utilization of these two types of medicines in society is largely determined by several factors such as personal, economic, cultural, and psychological. This study aimed was to determine the social preferences for herbal and chemical medicines in the village of Paya Seumantok Aceh Jaya. The research was conduct in a descriptive quantitative using a survey method with data in questionnaire form. Respondents in this study were all residents in the village of Paya Seumantok, Aceh Jaya. Samples were 92 people with age criteria 17-60 years. The results showed that respondents had a preference for herbal medicines by 34.78% and chemical medicines by 65.21% which stated that the publics' preference for chemical medicines is higher than herbal medicines. The factor that most influences preference for chemical medicines is the social factor which is 69.25% in the medium category, while the factor that most influences preference for herbal medicine is the economic factor, which is 87% in the high category.
Keywords: preferences, chemical medicines, herbal medicines, Aceh Jaya
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