This study aims to determine the management of public services that have been carried out by the Banjarmasin City Government through a survey method conducted at 125 SKPD/Badan/Unit Pelayanan consisting of 34 SKPD/Badan/Unit pelayan/Perusahaan Daerah (regional companies) with a population. the city of Banjarmasin is 700,689. Through the Krejcie and Morgan Formulation, the final sample size was 781 respondents. The results of this study indicate that there are 17 SKPDs / service units up from the SKM B category to A. There are 16 SKPD/Badan/Unit Pelayanan up from the SKM C category to B. There are 67 SKPD/Badan/Unit Pelayanan down from the SKM A category to B. There are 53 SKPD/Badan/Unit Pelayanan decreased from SKM A category to C. There were 9 SKPD /service units down from SKM B category to C. There were 39 SKPD/Badan/Unit Pelayanan that did not experience a change in quality in the SKM A category, and 16 SKPD/Badan/Unit Pelayanan did not experience a change in quality in the SKM B category. There is 1 service unit that is new in 2019 by SKM, namely PD PAL. Overall, the service quality in the Very Good (A) category decreased 0.22% so that the average SKM value in 2019 was 83.16 with B (Good) quality.
Keyword: survey, community satisfaction, public service
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