Strengths and Weaknesses of Tourism Marketingat Bandar Pasir Mandoge (Descriptive Analysis Approach)

Husni Muharram Ritonga, Nurafrina Siregar, Roro Rian Agustin, Maya Macia Sari


Tourism in the Bandar Pasir Mandoge Sub-District of Asahan Regency needs to be reviewed so that there is an increase in sustainable tourist visits. Tourism has been assumed as an industry that can be relied on to fill foreign exchange. The main reason for tourism development is strongly related to the progress of the economy, social, culture, region or country. In other words, the development of tourism in a tourist destination will always be calculated with the benefits and benefits for the people. Tourism development as part of national development has the aim of expanding business opportunities and employment opportunities. In line with the stages of national development, the implementation of national tourism development is carried out in a comprehensive, balanced, gradual and sustainable manner. A tourist attraction area in Bandr Pasir Mandoge Sub-District can become a tourist destination must have non-physical and physical potential where both of these potentials will be developed as a tourist destination area that benefits both the region and the government. In order to promote tourism it needs to be directed and integrated in developing tourism objects with the intention of influencing thoughts and interests in coming to the tourist area.

Keywords: strengths, weaknesses, tourism marketing

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