Tarmizi Thalib


The development of technology, especially smartphones, is increasing rapidly. This was responded to differently by various characteristics of the community, especially the older adults. With human limitations in the use of technology capable of producing technophobia. This study will explain what seniors include technophobia sufferers with these limitations and what characteristics and factors can surround them. This study uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The subjects of this study were those who did not use a smartphone. Data analysis by determining what limits and who is investigated, data collection and phenomenological analysis of data. The results of this study concluded that the subject cannot be said to be a sufferer of technophobia. Characteristics that appear elderly in this study is the unwillingness to think of smartphones, incapable of thought, avoiding the use and discussion of the smartphone and the absence of intensive learning efforts. Affective dimensions that appear to be a differentiator in technophobia, namely the absence of envy and the attitude of accepting oneself (surrender). This characteristic leads the subject to the loss of the sense of smartphone. Factors that arise from the loss of sense of smartphone are sensing factors, cognitive abilities, family education and the complexity of smartphone tools.

Keywords: Older Adults, Sense of Smartphone, Technophobia

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