Ely Ezir


This research was aimed at realizing the theory of syntax in improving the student’s competency in translating text from English into Bahasa Indonesia or vice versa. This research focuses on syntactic structure of sentences in the translation of the text. The text that is used to be the source of the data is the text of Asahan Profile 2018, text which is the most currently published by BadanPusatStatistik (BPS) Asahan Regency. the analysis presented in this study is strictly confined to data randomly derived from each of the chapters and the translation assessed by the English students whose performance is good, very good and excellent. The students are of Semester VI FakultasKeguruandanIlmuPendidikan  UNA. Therefore, this paper primarily explores and highlights major issues that explicitly exhibit aspects of syntactic structure.Noticeably, these strategies turn to be fruitful in many cases where the SL system and the TL system slightly diverge while they prove to be fully ungrammatical, odd and even absurd. systems.

Key words  : Improving, Translation quality, syntax, competency, text

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