Eben Haezarni Telaumbanua


Globalization is also interpreted by the global movement, which is a development of the formation of systems and values of life that are global. The era of globalization provides a great change to the world order as a whole and the change is faced with as a reasonable change. Because inevitably, prepared not ready to change it will happen. This era is marked by the process of life worldwide, the progress of science and technology, especially in the field of transformation and communication as well as cross-cultural occurrence.In the world of education, globalization will bring rapid progress, namely the emergence of various sources of learning and the spread of mass media, especially the Internet and electronic media as a source of knowledge and education center. The impact of this is that teachers are not the only source of knowledge. The result, the students can master the knowledge that has not mastered by the teacher. Therefore, not surprisingly in this era of globalization, the authority of teachers in particular and parents in general in the eyes of students declined.


Keywords: Globalization, Education

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