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Speaking is one of the basic skills in mastering languages. The expectation is speaking can be taught to students to make them capable in communicating by using English correctly. Based on the observation students in Asahan University especially English Education Study Program got difficulties in speaking English especially in describe someone or something. it can be solved by using paired story telling technique to increase students’ speaking ability at first semester students English Study Program. The research was categorized into a classroom action research (CAR). In class room action research consist of four main steps, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. In this research there were two cycles that was processed. In getting the data, this research gave a speaking test to the students to increase their ability in speaking. The speaking test was given by using paired story telling technique. The result of the research in implementation of paired storytelling technique in class speaking was increase on students’ score. In the first cycle the students’ mean score 62,71 to 79,28  in the second cycle, with percentage passing classically from  31,42 % or 11 students to 31 students or 88,57 % on the second cycle. From the data was found the activities on the second cycle need not repeated because have met the criteria of success.


Keywords: Increasing, Speaking, Story Telling, CAR

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