Dewi Rulia Br Sitepu


The activity of consumption fish or ornamental fish is an activity that has a high risk because the fish are directly exposed to the environment that is not easy to control so that the fish are susceptible to disease and even experience death. Diseases in fish are generally the result of complex or unbalanced interactions between three components in aquatic ecosystems namely weak hosts (fish), malignant pathogens and deteriorating environmental quality. M. fortuitum is a cause of. This study aims to determine the ability of the antibacterial compounds of crude BAL extract in preventing M. fortuitum biofilm cell formation and control of M. fortuitum biofilm cells at a concentration of 60% (v / v), 80% (v / v), and 100% (v / v). Isolation of LAB from pond sediments using MRSA, selection of LAB had using paper disk method was identified as Lactobacillus agillis. Detachment of biofilm cell on fish scales and PVC plastic using 0.5 g micro-glass bead is cortexed for 2 minutes. To calculate the number of biofilm cells used the TPC method. The results of this study showed the highest number of biofilm cells on day 3, namely 7 CFU logs / fish scales and 5 CFU logs / PVC plastic plates. A crude 100% antibacterial extract extract reduced the number of biofilm cells by 3 CFU logs / fish scales and 2 CFU logs / PVC plastic plates after 1 hour of contact. The 100% concentration completely prevents biofilm formation. However, at a concentration of 80% there was a decrease of 2 CFU logs / PVC plastic plates. While the concentration of 80% and 60% did not experience a decrease in the number of cells on both plates. Keywords: biofilm, Mycobacteriosis, M. Fortuitum, Lactobacillus agillis

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