Hadiani Fitri


Efforts to realize the implementation of the vision and mission of the Regional Government of Simalungun in the field of tourism, the Regional Government of Simalungun District has carried out several steps in developing rural tourism objects, i.e., conducting tourism market analysis studies, formulating marketing strategy and promotingtourism in collaboration with travel agencies, implementing events and entertainment in potential rural tourist locations. The purposed of this study is to analyze the use of rural tourism objects in Simalungun Regency is expected to be an added value that can be felt economically by the surrounding community.The result of this studyshowed that locally based rural development strategy focused on the process of economic growth and structural change driven by local communities and utilized local potentials for development in an effort to improve the level of welfare of local communities.This locally based rural development strategy sought to meet local needs and demands through active participation of local communities in the development process. This strategy didn't only to improve the productive side (agriculture, industry and services), but also encouraged and enhanced the social and cultural dimensions that affect people's lives. The potential of rural development, based on this approach didn't only limited to conventional potentials known like: availability of natural and human resources, but also relies heavily on institutional potential, social and cultural capital.Therefore, recommendation of this study will provide cultural education for the younger generation shall not have to be done in "quirky" ways, for example by requiring all Simalungun people to be able to read or write using the Simalungun language.


Keywords: tourism, local wisdom, rural development, Simalungun ethnic

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