Muhammad Arifin, Ananda Rizalni, Imelda Darmayanti Manurung


Comprehending reading material started from understanding the topic and finding the details of information of the text. Therefore, applying an interesting strategy is needed to improve the students’ ability to comprehend the reading material. Thus, this article is discussed about the effect of applying the TPS (Think-Pair-Share) Strategy on the students’ ability in understanding topic in reading materials that was conducted at SMP Rahmat Islamiyah, Jalan Bakti Gaperta Ujung Sumatera Utara in 2018. The population of this research was the VIIIth  grade students which distributed into 4 classes consists of 154 students. This is an experimental quantitative research. By using random sampling technique, 60 students were taken as the sample.The sample was devided into 2 classes, the experimental group which consisted of 30 students taught by using TPS (Think-Pair-Share) Strategy and control group consisted of 30 students by using lecturing method. The instrument used in this research was multiple choices with 25 questions. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result showed that tcount was > ttabel (0.153 > 2.262) or Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The hypothesis was accepted. It implies that the applicates of Think-Pair-Share Strategic significantly effect to the students’ ability in reading materials.

Keywords: Think pair share strategy, Reading, Students’ achievement.

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