Eko Febri Syahputra Siregar


This study aims to determine the relationship between Self-Concept and intrapersonal Communication in high school student. The approach of this study is a correlational study. This research held at Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera (UMSU). The populations of this study are 219 people. the sample taken randomly in amount 20% from all population so that the population in amount to 44 people. The instrument used is a lose questionnaire, self-concept contains 30 questions and intrapersonal communication contain 32 questions. The result showed that a positive relationship between Self-Concept and intrapersonal Communication in the r= 0,374 (r< 0.05). it suggests that higher the degree of someone’s self-concept, can make the intrapersonal communication also higher.

Keyword : Self-Concept, Intrapersonal Communication

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