Imelda Darmayanti Manurung, Rati Sagita


Listening procedural text is one of the sub competences that should be mastered by the eleventh grade students. The lack of vocabulary mastery, the difficulty to keep up the information given, and the less ability to maintaining their concentration are some problems that faced by the students which made them could not pass the minimum standard completeness score for this competence. Thus, this article was aimed to describe the result of the investigation in  appllying Auditory, Intellectually, and Repetition (AIR) learning model to improve the students learning outcomes on listening procedural text in SMA PAB 4 SAMPALI. This was an Classroom Action Research (CAR) which used Kemmis, S. and Mc Taggart design which was done in two cycle. By using purposive sampling technique, 41 students was chosen as the subject of research.The data was analyzed by using mix method. The findings suggest that applying AIR learning model can improve the students’ learning outcomes in learning listening procedural text. Thus can be viewed from the students’ mean score which was improve  in every cycle, 48.48 in pre-test to 74.68  in cycle I, and 86.34 in cycle II. The percentage of the students who passed the standard minimum completeness criteria from the pre test into cycle II is 85.37%. Based on the analysis of the observation sheet and the students’ answer in questionnaire, the students also very active and interested in following the teaching – learning process.


Keywords:  Auditory intellectually and repetition, Learning model, Listening, Procedural text.  

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