FOOD HABITS Tor (Tor soro Valenciennes 1842) in ASAHAN RIVER
Tor soro fish population in the North Sumatra region is threatened with extinction, especially in the Asahan river, this is due to the fact that fish for the people of North Sumatra are fish used in traditional ceremonies. Tor fish has cultural values so that the selling value is high, namely Rp. 250,000 -500,000 / kg. Tor fish include omnivorous fish that tend to be herbivorous with the main food being phytoplankton, followed by crustaceans, insects, rotifers, oligochaeta. Tor fish food studies carried out on the Asahan River in this study determined three stations by purposive sampling, namely distribution of locations based on river characteristics, and fish habitat in the river area.
Keywords: Fish Tor, Food Habits, and Asahan River
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