Alexander Tuahta Sihombing


Construction Cost Analysis is a method of calculating the unit price of construction work, which is described in the multiplication of building material indexes, work wages, and work equipment with prices of building materials, work wage standards, work equipment rental prices to complete construction work units. Analysis of construction costs used by the Batu Bara District Government in carrying out the construction of facilities and infrastructure is an analysis of the construction costs of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) in the field of Public Works.

The method in preparing this final assignment is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach, the purpose of the descriptive method means to describe the conditions that occur in the present or ongoing, while the quantitative approach is an approach that is carried out by recording and analyzing the data of research results accurately using calculations statistics. From the research results, the estimated cost of the rigid road pavement project in Dusun I Simpang Dolok Village using the SNI method is Rp. 557,628,000.00 (Five Hundred Fifty Seven Million Six Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand Rupiahs, while the estimated cost of the rigid road pavement project in Dusun I Simpang Dolok Village using the AHSP method is Rp. 528,340,000.00 (Five Hundred Two Tens of Eight Million Three Hundred Forty Thousand Rupiah) Dominant Components which cause differences in Estimated Project Costs in Cleaning and leveling locations / preparation of road bodies, sand dumping, formwork and iron assembly.

Keywords: SNI Method, AHSP Method, Roadwork Analysis, Rigid Pavement

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