Lila Bismala, Hasrudy Tanjung, Dewi Andriany


Tourism is one of the driving forces of the economy. Tourism involves the flow of goods, services, and the biggest people in the world, and proves the existence of globalization. The increase of Muslim population is causing in increase the proportional of Muslim tourists. This situation changed the concept of tourism, becoming Islamic or halal tourism, which provided many facilities for Muslim tourists.This study intends to conduct a SWOT analysis of halal destinations in North Sumatra, considering that many destinations in North Sumatra are in areas with a majority non-Muslim population. This certainly gives a feeling of discomfort for Muslim travelers. The strength-opportunity strategy is develop halal management system for all activities in tourist destinations by providing halal food and beverages, halal accommodation, halal guaranteed facilities, ensuring safety. The weakness-opportunity strategy is provide halal guarantees for all infrastructure facilities in tourist destinations with certification and government involvement. Strength-threat  strategy  include making a halal management system policy, educating local people to be involved, conducting intensive promotions. The Weakness and threat strategy includes providing infrastructure facilities that show halal tourism and providing easy access to tourist destinations.  

Keywords: halal destination, SWOT analysis

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