Faisal Safri Dedi


The implementation of academic supervision in schools is an embodiment of the responsibility of a school principal in one of his duties as a leader in the school, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 13 of 2007 concerning the standards of school principals. The condition that the researcher described above is an illustration of ideal conditions, conditions that should be carried out by the principal in academic supervision activities. Starting from ideal conditions, researchers still find educators whose administrative learning is still copying, incomplete, predominantly educated learning activities, do not bring lesson plans to class. Seeing this condition attracted the attention of researchers wanting to find out how the implementation of academic supervision was carried out by the principal in 48 Medan Muhammadiyah Middle School. The learning supervision system used by supervisors (principals) in the SmpMuhammadiyah 48 Medan school has been said to be right (good) because the implementation of the learning program has met several criteria, which include attractiveness, supervision of each class and so on. In addition, the teaching staff at the Muhammadiyah 48 Junior High School in Medan also teach with a strong theoretical foundation as suggested by Reigeluth and Merril so that learning is based on learning theory which he calls preskiptif, which is the theory that provides "recipes" in dealing with learning problems,


Keywords: Academic supervision

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