Fina Dwi Fatma, Muhammad Nur Syamsu, Amir Hidayatulloh


This research attempted to reveal the antecedent of E-SPT use (Annual Tax Return Electronic) and its impact on taxpayers’ compliance. The population of this research were all taxpayers in Indonesia. The sampling technique that used in this research was purposive sampling with one criteria that was: the taxpayers who had used E-SPT. The analysis technique used in this research was Partial Least Square (WarpPLS). The antecedent of E-SPT use consist; perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and self-efficacy. Perceived ease of use is affected by self-efficacy while perceived usefulness is affected by personal innovativeness and subjective norm. The application of E-SPT encourages the taxpayers’ compliance, thereby when the E-SPT users increase, the state taxes revenue will increase too.

Keywords: taxpayer’s Compliance, E-SPT, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Antecedent

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