Regina Sabariah Sinaga, Esta Ananta Putri


The research conducted at the SMP Swasta Usia Tama aims to determine the effect of the inquiry learning model on mathematical communication skills  students  grade VII SMP Swasta Tama Lesson Year 2016/2017  The population in this study were all seventh graders consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study were class VII-1 as many as 30 people and class VII-2 as many as 30 people. To obtain the data needed in this study, an essay test was used to see students' mathematical communication skills. Before the test is established as a data collection tool, it is first tested to see the validity and reliability of the test. The results of the validity test with rtable = 0.320 obtained that the pretest and posttest questions were valid. The reliability test of the pretest problem was obtained at 0.774 which means the question was reliable and for the posttest question it was obtained 0.776 which means that the question is reliable. Data analysis techniques using regression tests. Before hypothesis testing, the normality and homogeneity of the test were tested first. Normality was tested using the Liliefors technique and homogeneity by using the F test. From the tests performed, it was found that the two samples were normally distributed and homogeneous. The results showed that the average mathematical communication skills of students taught using the Inquiry learning model were higher than those taught by conventional models. The test results of the communication skills of the experimental class students obtained an average pretest of 42.67 and the posttest average of 74. Whereas in the control class the average pretest was 40.5 and the posttest average was 71.33. The hypothesis in this study was tested using regression analysis. Before testing the hypothesis, the regression significance test and regression linearity test are carried out first. From the tests performed, it was found that both regression equations were meaningful and linea. Where the experimental class regression equation = 58.09 + 0.37X and the control class = 59.67 + 0.28X After the regression equation fulfills significance and linearity, the hypothesis test is carried out, with the results of hypothesis testing obtained tcount> t table ie 1.84> 1.694 at the level. This means that there is an influence of inquiry learning model on students' mathematical communication skills. The magnitude of the effect of Inquiry learning on students' mathematical communication skills is 0.4628 or 46.28% classified as quite high and the magnitude of the influence of conventional learning is 0.2292 or 22.92% classified as low.  Keywords: Inquiry, Mathematical Communication

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