Rahmat Hidayat, Hade Chandra Batubara


This research aims to influence how the variable Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio towards Return On Equity both in simultaneous on the company as well as persial Automotive and its components are listed on the Indonesia stock exchange Period 2012-2016. The population in this research is the company's Automotive and komponenya were listed on the Indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2016 that add up to 13 companies. Data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression analysis, taking into account the classical assumptions of the test, namely the test of normality, test multicollinearity, heterokedastisitas and autocorrelation test test. Hypothesis testing the statistical test used was partially (t-test) and simultaneous statistical tests (test F) 0.05 significant level.

Results of research partially test (test-t) indicates that the Current Ratio (X 1) indicates the value thitung > ttabel (4.170 > 2.035) and significant value under 0.05 (0000 < 0.05) mean H0 is rejected Ha received, which means there is a significant positive influence between the variable Current Ratio against the Return On Equity. Debt to Equity Ratio (X 2) indicates the value thitung > ttabel (3.873 > 2.035) and significant value under 0.05 (0000 < 0.05) mean H0 is rejected Ha received, which means there is significant influence among variables Debt to Equity Ratio against the Return On Equity. Simultaneously (FR F) collectively indicate that the Current Ratio (X 1) and Debt to Equity Ratio (X 2) indicates the value Fhitung > Ftabel (9.055 > 3.29) and significant value under 0.05 (0.05 > 0000) means that H0 is rejected Ha received, which means influential and significantly to the Return On Equity (Y) on the company's Automotive and its components are listed on the Indonesia stock exchange.


Keywords: Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Return On Equity (ROE)

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