Ismail Ismail, Try Hutama Dany Hutabarat


Child has an important role in the life of society and state, due to its position as the nation's future. Therefore, the child has the potential to play an active role to preserve the life of the nation, in order to realize the goal of forming a government that protects citizens. Abuse of drugs by children is now a concern of many people and constantly talked about and publicized. In fact, the problem of drug abuse to the attention of various parties, especially the involvement of children as drug couriers is a series of conspiracy in carrying illegal narcotics. In the capacity of children used as couriers is one thing that is so concerned about where the child would conflict with the law, and has committed a crime classified as narcotics. With limited ability of children and ketidaksesempurnaannya, then it should be a concern of law enforcement officers in the implementation of punishment for children narcotics criminals.


Keywords: Legal Protection, Children, Narcotics Courier.

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