Mirsa Astuti


he current phenomenon of corruption indeed makes many people angry. Cause poverty and damage the future of the nation's generation. In fact, that is rife with the involvement of women in corruption cases. The phenomenon of many women involved in corruption is a relatively new symptom in Indonesia. The involvement of women in acts of corruption is under the control of others, deceived and lured in sharing the results, there are those who are of their own volition because of the influence of style and lifestyle that are all luxurious and social. in cases of corruption, including: the low level of faith, low salary or income, mental attitude and the desire to get rich quick, hedonism consumptive patterns of life, good life, there are opportunities and opportunities to access ... There may be no intention to commit corruption , but the intention is formed as opportunities arise. This is what is then called "aji mumpung". There are many "mumpung" that reinforce corrupt instincts, for example: while in power, adjacent to power, while being able to get splashes of corruption.


Keywords: crime, corruption, women,

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