Alexander Tuahta Sihombing, Viky Akbari, Indri Pratiwi, Paulinus Kapan Sitohang, Samuel Panjaitan, Zuraidah Siregar


One of the problems faced by the people of Sijambi village is the increasing production of waste, especially organic waste. The problem of piles of garbage in the final disposal site is increasing day by day and the area is no longer available. Alternative waste management to help the government deal with this problem is the recycling process. One of the household waste that comes from the rest of the fruit and vegetables can be recycled to become Eco enzyme liquid. Processing organic waste into Eco enzyme is the result of research conducted by Dr. Rasukon Poompanvong from Thailand. Eco enzymes are the result of fermenting organic waste such as the pulp of fruits and vegetables, molasses (sugar) and water. In addition to reducing household waste, eco-enzyme liquid can make the growth and development of the plants grown better. So that productivity results can increase. With this program, it is hoped that the community can process the remaining organic waste into eco-enzymes like this in a sustainable manner. These service activities as well as KKN include: normalization of drainage channels, making good cage designs for livestock, training on making photosynthetic bacteria as organic fertilizer and socializing the introduction of the Asahan University campus. The above activities are carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of the people of Sijambi Village, especially in developing village potential by creating organic fertilizers that can increase the productivity of their plantation products. In addition, it also provides public knowledge about the shape and size of the ideal cage for livestock. It also raises public awareness of the importance of maintaining clean drainage. Mandatory outputs from this activity include: reports on the results of community service activities, scientific articles in community service journals, publications in mass media (electronic) and activity videos published on YouTube.


Keywords : Eco enzyme, drainage channel, cattle pen, photosynthetic bacteria.

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