Sari Inda, Dian Anggraini, Datulina Ginting


Children are a mandate from Allah SWT, which is entrusted to their parents, because of that the child is born in a state of holiness and cleanliness. However it happens in the future depending on his parents, educating, fpstering and directing. Education is all adult effort in asociation with children to let their physical and spiritual development towards maturity . The first form of education is in the family,children,initially reserved education from their parents, because parents are the primary and first educater for their children. Parents’s awareness of their resposibility and rules as first and foremost educater is very influential on children growth and development.  Therefore, the family is the first and fundamental forum for children growth and development. In order to carry out is function as an educater, to support the learnings success of a child, it is necessarry to help encouragement  or motivation from the family, especially from parents as the main educators.


Key words : Motivation, Learning, Parents

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