Pohan Panjaitan .


This study aims to evaluate the effect of C: N ratio level of shrimp feed on inorganic nitrogen
regeneration of shrimp feed using molasses as a source of organic carbon. This research was
conducted for two weeks, namely March 8 to March 20, 2021 in the laboratory.
Materials and tools used in this study include: plastic containers with a lid and a volume of 2
liters of water, aerated stones, aeration sources, sea water and molasses, shrimp feed, water
quality measurement equipment such as thermometers, pH meters, oxygen meters,
spectrophotometers and medium for bacterial growth. For the implementation of the
experiment, each experimental container used shrimp feed with a nitrogen content of 5.89%
weighing 0.1398 grams. The amount of feed used in each experimental container was
equivalent to 5 mg L-1 ammonia or 4.117 mg L-1 nitrogen. The treatments evaluated in this
experiment were: (1) Treatment without using molasses (MR0), (2) Treatment using molasses
with a ratio of C: N = 7.5 (MR7.5), (3) Treatment using molasses with a ratio of C: N = 15.0
(MR15.0), (4) Treatment using molasses with a ratio of C: N = 17.5 (MR17.5), (5) Treatment
using molasses with a ratio of C: N = 20.0 (MR20.0) and (6) The treatment used molasses with
a ratio of C: N = 22.5 (MR22.5).The experiment used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
with three replications and the data were analyzed using variance and regression analysis.
Furthermore, comparing the average value of each treatment used Duncan's Test. The results
of measurement of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate concentrations can describe the regeneration of
inorganic nitrogen in shrimp feed in this study. There were a number of results found in this
study, including: (1) there was a significant reduction in the regeneration of inorganic nitrogen
by increasing the level of C: N ratio in shrimp feed, (2) dissolved oxygen in water decreased
due to its response to level ratio C: N for shrimp feed, (3) the number of bacteria increases with
increasing levels of the ratio C: N, (4) there is an increase in the number of heterotrophic
bacteria by increasing the level of C: N ratio of shrimp feed
Key words: Molasses, ratio level, regeneration of inorganic nitrogen, shrimp feed

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