Analisa Kebutuhan Pengembangan Model System Barter Di Era Pandemik Covid-19 Berbasis Website

Edwin Ariesto Umbu Malahina, Agustina Clarissa Huko Langoday


Abstract - Barter is an exchange of needs in the form of goods to meet the necessities of life without relying on the financial side first. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people experienced economic pressure from various problem factors, where people still have to make ends meet during the pendemic period. The purpose of this study is to be able to collect information data whether this system can help meet the needs of the community or not by using the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) system development model as well as quantitative and qualitative approaches by collecting information and distributing questionnaires using the Likert scale method. The barter system that will be developed is website-based, where previously going through the process of analysis and system design first. From the results of the questionnaire calculations obtained, it was found that about an average of 85.93% of the public strongly agreed that this barter system could be developed.

Keywords  - barter system, covid-19, Likert scale, Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), website.


Abstrak – Barter merupakan pertukaran kebutuhan dalam dalam bentuk barang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup tanpa mengandalkan sisi keuangan terlebih dahulu. Dimasa pandemic covid-19 banyak masyarakat mengalami himpitan ekonomi dari berbagai faktor masalah, dimana masyarakat tetap harus memenuhi kebutuhan hidup selama masa pendemik berlangsung.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah dapat mengumpulkan data informasi apakah system ini dapat membantu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat atau tidak dengan menggunakan model pengembangan sistem Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) serta pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang melalui pengumpulan informasi dan penyebaran kuesioner dengan menggunakan metode skala likert. System barter yang akan dikembangkan adalah berbasis website, dimana sebelumnya akan melalui proses Analisa dan perancangan system terlebih dahuluDari hasil kalkulasi kuesioner yang didapatkan, diperoleh bahwa sekitar rata-rata 85,93% masyarakat sangat setuju system barter ini dapat dikembangkan.

Kata Kunci - system barter, covid-19, skala likert, Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), website.


system barter; covid-19; skala likert; Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC); website;

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