Andy Wahyudi, Ismail Ismail, Zaid Afif


A firearm is a device that can be used as a weapon shot at one or multiple projectiles aimed at high speed by gas produced through speed. Meanwhile, according to the Indonesian Police Chief Regulation No. 8 of 2012 concerning Supervision and Control of Firearms for Sports Purposes, a firearm is a device that is partly or wholly made of metal that has components or mechanical devices such as barrels, beaters / triggers, triggers, springs, springs , a bullet chamber that can catapult bullets or gas over the barrel with the help of explosives. In this study using a normative juridical research method with a statutory approach where the main material is secondary data. The formulation of the problem presented by the author is divided into two, namely how licensing has a firearm according to applicable laws and how to protect victims from misuse of firearms that are legally or illegally owned. Laws and regulations have regulated and explained that civil society can have permission to own or use firearms according to their use and importance, as long as they have to meet every requirement and permit and pass in a number of tests tested for candidates the Firearms permit holder.


Keywords: Criminal Acts, Illegal possession of firearms

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