In the government of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia there is a system of government known as the regional autonomy system, in which each unitary state (unitary state, eenheidstaat) can be arranged and organized according to the principles and systems of centralization and decentralization. Pahang Village, Datuk Bandar Subdistrict, which is one of the villages in Tanjungbalai City, has become one of the government organizers that provides direct or indirect services to the community. The formation of the Pahang Village can be seen from the promulgation of the Regional Regulation of the City of Tanjungbalai Number 6 of 2016 concerning the Establishment of the City of the City of Tanjung. Tanjungbalai City Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2016 also states that the lurah as the leader of the kelurahan is a career position, where the Lurah position can only be held by the State Civil Apparatus which is an echelon IV position or supervisory position. In writing this research, the author uses empirical juridical research methods by conducting field research. The formulation of the problem presented by the author in this study is how the position of the village head in the administration of local government according to Law Number 23 of 2014 and what factors affect the leadership of the village head in carrying out tasks according to Law Number 23 of 2014. Based on the formulation of the problem The writer concludes that Pahang Kelurahan Datuk Bandar Kota Tanjungbalai Subdistrict according to Tanjungbalai Mayor Regulation Number 55 Year 2016 states that the task of the kelurahan is that the Lurah has the task of exercising government authority delegated by the Regional Head through the Camat and carrying out other governmental duties based on the provisions of the legislation applicable.
Keywords: Legal Analysis, Village Administration
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b. Undang-undang
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c. Jurnal
Djohermansyah Djohan, 2014, Merajut Otonomi Daerah Pada Era JOM FISIP Vol. 5 No. 1- April 2018 Page 15.
d. Wawancara
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