Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Ditinjau Gender

Yuni Sartika, Irham Habibi Harahap


The aim of this research is "to analyze the mathematical problem solving abilities of class VIII students at RK Deli Murni Deli Tua Middle School in working on story problems on SPLDV material in terms of gender. The methods researchers use to collect data during research are known as data collection techniques. This research is based on qualitative data and aims to explain students' problem solving steps based on the level of their problem solving abilities using Polya steps which are evaluated based on students' gender. The location of this research was carried out at RK Deli Murni Deli Tua Private Middle School, the subjects were class VIII students at RK Deli Murni Deli Tua Private Middle School, Deli Tua, academic year 2024. The research was carried out in semester 2 with the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum. This research uses interviews to collect data. Based on the presentation of the research results, it can be concluded that students' mathematical problem solving abilities in SPLDV material are relatively low, because students tend to memorize material and formulas rather than understanding concepts and students have not been trained to analyze a problem and the facts found so that as a result the productivity obtained by students at the school very few, and students have difficulty solving problems that require problem solving skills.

Keywords: Problem Solving, Story Problems, SPLDV Material, Gender

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