Nova Arvelina, Dian Anggraini Harahap, Dailami Dailami


This research was intended to find out the empirical evidence of the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text by using Round Robin Strategy at tenth grade of SMK Daarul Jalal Asahan. This research was experimental research. The population of this research was all students of class X of SMK Daarul Jalal Asahan the sample of this research were taken from 20 students of experimental group (class X-1) and 20 students of control group (class X-2). The instrument for collecting data was a test. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. From this analysis, the mean of experimental group was 80 and the mean of control group was 72,25. This research found that using Round Robin Strategy has significant effect in writing ability. It can be proved by the result of the analysis that tscore (to) = 4,51 was higher than the ttable (tt) = 2,042 with the significant 0,05. So, Ha is accepted. In the other word, the using of Round Robin Strategy more effective and more significant than using conventional method.

Key words : Round Robin Strategy, Descriptive Text, Writing

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