Syafriani Syafriani, Paisal Manurung


This research focused in analyzing of figurative language that used in The Tiger poetry by William Blake. The objective of this research was to find out kinds of the figurative that used in The Tiger poetry by William Blake. Having analyze and classifying each line of the poetry, this research used the theory of Giroux, it is that Figurative language is language which departs from the straight-forward use of words. It created a special effect, clarifies an idea, and makes writing more colorful and forceful. Accordingly, there are 18 kinds of figurative languages; Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Allegory, Hyperbole, Litotes, Irony,  Oxymoron, Paralysis, Zeugma, Paradox, Metonym, Synecdoche, Allusion, Alliteration, Repetition. So it was concluded that the result of this research found hyperbole is a kind of figurative language that dominant use in The Tiger poetry. Which Hyperbole is a figure of speech which addres’s exaggeration. Found there are 3 lines of hyperbole in the tiger poetry. In line 2 of the second stanza” Burning the fire of your eyes. This sentence mean is burning the eyes like fire. This is exaggeration of statement. And the next are 2 lines as metonym, and 2 lines as repetition, which the other only one line in each kinds of the figurative language.


Key words: Figurative Language, The Tiger poetry

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