Putri Amelia Silalahi, Ely Ezir, Datulina Ginting


The purpose of this study is toknow the types of error and the dominant error that made by students in writing subordinate conjunction in narrative text. The students of  XITITL  of SMK Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai became the subject of this study, that consist of 20 students, there was  only one class choosen for knowing the students’ errors in using conjunction. The technique of collecting data used in this research were observation, interview and written test.  The data was collected from the students writing task. The students were asked to retell the story of MalinKundang that used5 subordinate conjunction.

The researcher used Ong’s Theory to classify the types of errors. In this research, the researcher found 4 types of errors. Those were misuse, unnecessary addition, omission, and redundant repetition. The percentage of frequency the errors. It was misuse type (15,15%), unnecessary addition type ( 48,49%),   omission type (30,30%), and redundant repetition (6,06%) . From all of the types, the highest frequent types of error wasunnecessary addition.

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