Nova Eliza Silaen, Azrai Sirait, Dewi Astuti


This study was conducted as an effort to determine the use of educational game applications in learning to read without spelling at PAUD PermataHatiKisaran. This research method uses the SDLC Waterfall method. Waterfall or Classic Life Cycle is a method that is widely used in Software Engineering, this method takes a systematic and sequential approach from the level of system requirements and then goes to the analysis, design, implementation, and system testing stages. It is called Waterfall because the stages that are passed must wait for the completion of the previous stage and run sequentially. The educational game application presents subject matter for recognizing letters and reading sentences that are equipped with display text, images and letters that can be seen clearly and are equipped with the sounds of letters and sentences. The results of the analysis show that the use of educational game applications is able to train learning to read without spelling in words PermataHati Range Early Childhood Education. The use of educational game applications has benefits in the learning process at PermataHatiKisaran PAUD. The use of educational game applications makes it easier to teach reading without spelling at PermataHatiKisaran PAUD. 

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