Zepri Syahputra, Sri Rahayu


The intention of this research was to find out the significant Effect Of Social Media YouTube On Students’ Difficulties Speaking English Learning At Tenth Grade SMK Negeri 1 Air Joman In 2023/2024 Academic Year. This research was quantitative research. The population of this study was all class X which consisted of 7 classes. The samples in this research were students X RPL-2 as an experimental class using YouTube video learning media and X RPL-1 as a control class using conventional learning methods taken by Purposive Sampling in sampling. The instrument of collecting data was test. Before treatment, the pre-test was given. The pre-test obtained with a mean of control class is 12,14 and the experimental group is 11,66. While after treatment was finished, the post-test obtained with a mean of control class is 17,34 and the experimental class is 17,97 The YouTube video was an effective way to improve students’ difficulties in speaking english. The result of the analysis obtained that Tcalculated > Ttable score, namely 2.283 > 2.032, then Ha was accepted thus it was obtained that using YouTube has significant effect on student difficulties in speaking english.

Keywords: YouTube, Speaking Difficulties

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