Fitri Anggraini


This research aims to develop practical guidance SMA innovative and integrated interactive discovery learning on chemical material element of class XII corresponding semester of education unit level curriculum (KTSP). This research is a research and development (research and development) and experiment. Results of study using lab guides that have been developed in the measure by the end of the study. Research and development (research and development) is the research that used to result in specific product and test the effectiveness of the product. Guidance lab that already exists and which has been developed and then validated by 2 respondents chemistry professor, State University of Medan and 25 respondents high school chemistry teacher. For practical guidance that already exists gained an average value for the validation professor of 4.04 and an average value for the validation of teachers 3.80. For practical guidance that has been developed gained an average value for the validation professor of 4.00 and an average value of 3.88 for the validation teachers. For further guidance developed in the lab that has been tested on a limited basis in SMA Negeri 1 Tanah Jawa, with a sample into 2 groups. Group 1 uses existing lab guides, and group 2 using a guide that has been developed. The result show an increase in student learning outcomes of 39% with a significance level of <0.05.

Keywords: Guidance lab, research and development , discovery learning.

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